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Liquor in a wood box

Permits / Transportation

In accordance with North Carolina ABC laws, a customer may only purchase up to eight (8) liters of alcohol (distilled spirits) from our store without a transportation permit. With a transportation permit, the customer may purchase up to forty (40) liters of alcohol and subsequently transport their purchase within the State of North Carolina.

A transportation permit is issued free of charge at the store, and is valid until 9:30 p.m. on the date it is issued.

If you need a permit on the day of the purchase, you can obtain an additional permit by returning to our store and advising us how much you need to relocate.

Transportation permits are also available (and necessary) when purchasing large quantities of wine. The quantity limits for fortified wine are the same as the aforementioned limits described for alcohol (distilled spirits). However, a customer may purchase up to twenty (20) liters of unfortified wines without a transportation permit and a maximum of 100 liters with a transportation permit. Customers planning to purchase large quantities of wine may obtain a permit from an ABC store at no charge.

Note: A permit is not required for the purchase of beer. However, a person cannot legally purchase more than 80 liters of beer per transaction, except in kegs.

The North Carolina ABC Commission issues permits for all alcoholic beverages in the state. A license is then issued by the county/city/town in which a business is located, after receiving the ABC permit.

For additional information on ABC Board policies, please contact the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission at (919) 779-0700.

©2018 by Jackson County ABC Board. Proudly created with

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